Build awareness about HPV and the HPV vaccine by celebrating International HPV Awareness Day on March 4th.
HPV is a common virus that causes six kinds of cancer in men and women including almost all:
-Anal cancers
-Cervical cancers and cervical cancer precursors
-Oropharyngeal (back of the throat, base of the tongue, and tonsils) cancers
-Vaginal cancers
-Vulvar cancers
-Penile cancers.
An estimated 3,017 new cancer diagnoses and at least 748 deaths in Wisconsin between 2012-2016 were attributable to HPV infection.
The HPV vaccine is an excellent tool that can safely and effectively protect against these types of cancer diagnoses and deaths. The vaccine is recommended for girls and boys, ages 11-12, and also those ages 13-26, beginning as early as age 9. Despite its efficacy at preventing many types of HPV-related cancers though, the majority of Wisconsin children are not getting the HPV vaccine.
We encourage our partners to use these resources to build awareness about HPV and the HPV vaccine on March 4th and beyond. Together we can reduce the burden of HPV related cancers in Wisconsin.\
Use these Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative HPV resources to help increase HPV vaccination rates in Wisconsin.
HPV Issue Brief This Issue Brief examines statewide HPV-related cancer trends, offers strategies to prevent cancers by increasing HPV vaccination rates in girls and boys across Wisconsin, and explores how the COVID pandemic has affected HPV vaccine access and uptake. | HPV Factsheet This fact sheet offers a helpful snapshot of HPV vaccination rates in Wisconsin, and offers action steps you can take to make a difference. | HPV Infographic Learn how we can protect Wisconsin youth from HPV-related cancers. This tool is perfect for sharing online, or print it and post in your office, school, or clinic. |
Explore other HPV resources from our partners:
- American Cancer Society HPV Resources
- American Academy of Pediatrics HPV toolkit
- Social Media Toolkit from Association of Immunization Managers
- Why Age 9? Fact Sheet
- Resource library for National HPV Vaccination Roundtable
- Dental toolkit
See how this connects to the Wisconsin Cancer Plan: | Chapter 2: Risk Reduction |