HPV Vaccine and Cancer

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can cause at least six types of cancer in both women and men. Since 2006, the HPV vaccine has been a safe and effective tool to reduce HPV infections and dramatically reduce the risk of cancer.

The HPV vaccine is most effective when given in adolescence. The CDC recommends that boys and girls get the vaccine between the ages of 11 and 12. Younger adolescents usually only need two doses to be protected. Older adolescents may need three doses. (Learn more about the CDC's HPV vaccine recommendations.)

Unfortunately, most youth in Wisconsin aren’t getting vaccinated. We can work together to increase the HPV vaccination rate and raise awareness that the HPV vaccine is cancer prevention—for girls and boys.

Current Activities

Educating partners and the public in lunch-and-learns, webinars, and community-based presentations

Sharing resources and data, connecting partners, and answering questions from community groups

Exploring new strategies to increase vaccination rates, including school-based immunization clinic models

Understanding and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on adolescent immunization



New 2023 Data Snapshot: More work is needed to promote cancer prevention vaccines in Wisconsin

This recently published 2023 Data Snapshot examines current trends for cancer prevention vaccines in Wisconsin.


2022 Data Snapshot

This 2022 Data Snapshot examines recent trends for cancer prevention vaccines in Wisconsin.

HPV Provider Education Series

This on-demand sessions range in topics and equip providers with the latest information, HPV vaccination guidelines, science, and implementation strategies to increase vaccination rates. CME, CNE and Pharmacy continuing education are offered for each webinar.

Local Health Departments Can Deliver HPV and other Age Appropriate Vaccines in Schools but Lack a Sustainable Funding Model

This paper provide a breakdown of local health department vaccine provision at school-located vaccination clinics in 2017 and 2018, before and after funding constraints limited vaccine availability.

HPV Fact Sheet

This fact sheet offers a helpful snapshot of HPV vaccination rates in Wisconsin, and offers action steps you can take to make a difference.

HPV Infographic

Learn how we can protect Wisconsin youth from HPV-related cancers. This tool is perfect for sharing online, or print it and post in your office, school, or clinic.

2023 County Cancer Profiles

See how your county’s HPV vaccination rates compare to other counties, as part of a larger snapshot of cancer outcomes, risk factors, and demographic data for every county in Wisconsin.

Cancer Prevention How-To Sheet

This cancer prevention handout was designed to help educate patients and families who may have financial, educational, and/or language barriers.

HPV Flyers and Posters

Download and share these free flyers and posters for pre-teens, teens, and parents. Available for Spanish-speaking, English-speaking, and American Indian audiences. (External resource)

HPV Webinar

View our recent member webinar to learn more about HPV infection, HPV-attributable cancers, and HPV vaccine rates in Wisconsin.

Issue Brief: HPV Related Cancers and Vaccination Coverage in Wisconsin

This Issue Brief examines statewide HPV-related cancer trends, offers strategies to prevent cancers by increasing HPV vaccination rates in girls and boys across Wisconsin, and explores how the COVID pandemic has affected HPV vaccine access and uptake.

Current Trends in HPV Vaccine Uptake: Wisconsin and United States, 2016-2019 [WMJ Article]

This article, published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal, explores statewide HPV vaccination trends across multiple populations, compares state and national data, and examines common barriers and potential solutions to increase HPV vaccination rates in Wisconsin.

Get Involved

We can help you implement strategies to increase HPV vaccination rates in your community. Contact our Outreach Team to learn how.