Young Survival Coalition Flyer
Find out more about the Young Survival Coalition by checking out this flyer,
Cancer Facts & Figures 2025
2025 Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Activities Toolkit
This toolkit outlines ways that you and your organization can participate in Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month this March.
2023 Cancer Prevention Vaccine Snapshot
This 2023 Cancer Prevention Vaccine Snapshot discusses updated Wisconsin vaccine initiation and completion rates for HPV and Hepatitis B.
CDC Radon Awareness Infographic
American Cancer Society Facts & Figures by Cancer Type
Lung Cancer in Wisconsin Report
This report summarizes lung cancer incidence and mortality in Wisconsin, with a focus on important trends and risk reduction.
Complementary and Integrative Methods Pocket Guides
ACS collaborated with Healing Works Foundation to create complementary and integrative method pocket guides to cover how spiritual care may help with cancer treatment, as well as the benefits of mind-body medicine for the whole person.
Childhood Cancer Action Plan 2024-2028
This data brief summarizes childhood cancer incidence and mortality in Wisconsin with a focus on leukemias, brain and other central nervous system (CNS) tumors, and lymphomas.
Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line for Teens Handout
This one page handout on the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line for teens can be used with youth ages 13 years and older to educate on the free tobacco cessation services of the Quit Line.
American Cancer Society – Cancer Facts and Figures by Demographic
Kesem Brochure
Kesem is the leading national nonprofit that supports children affected by a parent’s cancer. Its main program, Camp Kesem (Wisconsin’s location is in Fredonia), is a free week-long sleep-away summer camp for children 6-18 years old who have lost a parent to cancer, have a parent currently undergoing cancer treatment, or whose parent is a cancer survivor. Beyond summer camp, year-round services include care packages, birthday cards, and local gatherings that provide touchpoints for campers and their families.
YOUTHSTRONG Program Brochure
YOUTHSTRONG is designed to help youth and young adult cancer survivors regain their health and well-being before, during and after cancer treatments.
HBV and Cancer Resource List
This document contains a compiled list of resources to help cancer coalitions working with partners to help increase access, knowledge, vaccination, testing, treatment, and disease surveillance of hepatitis B.
Childhood Cancers in Wisconsin: Data Brief
This data brief summarizes childhood cancer incidence and mortality in Wisconsin with a focus on leukemias, brain and other central nervous system (CNS) tumors, and lymphomas.
Pediatric Cancer in Wisconsin – September 2023 Webinar
View the slides and recording from our September 2023 webinar on Pediatric Cancer in Wisconsin.
Team Phoenix
Team Phoenix provides a comprehensive 14-week training program designed to encourage and assist cancer survivors to regain physical fitness, endurance, strength and flexibility after cancer treatment. Survivors of all ages, stages and fitness levels train together to reach the finish line of a sprint distance triathlon.
HPV Provider CME On Demand Series
The on-demand sessions range in topics and equip providers with the latest information, HPV vaccination guidelines, science, and implementation strategies to increase vaccination rates. CME, CNE and Pharmacy continuing education are offered for each webinar.
2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Wisconsin Cancer Survivorship Report
In 2021, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) surveyed cancer survivors in Wisconsin about their survivorship experiences. This data brief summarizes the BRFSS findings and identifies opportunities to improve future surveys.
Improving Cervical Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Management: A Toolkit to Build Provider Capacity
The Toolkit to Build Provider Capacity is for safety-net setting of care providers, including physicians, nurses, medical assistants, administrative staff, community health workers, patient navigators, care coordinators, and others. Providers can use the toolkit to improve quality of care, train staff, communicate and engage with patients, and evaluate current cervical cancer programs.
Local Health Departments Can Deliver HPV and other Age Appropriate Vaccines in Schools but Lack a Sustainable Funding Model
This paper provide a breakdown of local health department vaccine provision at school-located vaccination clinics in 2017 and 2018, before and after funding constraints limited vaccine availability.
The Availability of Colorectal Cancer Screening with Colonoscopy in Wisconsin
This report provides a detailed breakdown of availability of colonoscopy services in Wisconsin, including several maps.
Cancer Experience Registry (CER) Informational Flyer
Share this flyer to promote the Cancer Experience Registry (CER) survey from Cancer Support Community (CSC).
March Webinar: Membership Orientation
View the slides and recording from our 2023 Membership Orientation Webinar.
Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line Handout
This one-page handout from the UW-Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention can be used with patients or clients to educate on the free smoking cessation services of the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line.
January Webinar: Cervical Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment
View the slides from our January webinar on Cervical Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment.
Family Health History Record Keeper Tool
Use this worksheet to start a dialogue with your family today to reveal your family’s health history.
Alcohol Use During Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study
2022 report on alcohol use while receiving chemotherapy treatment.
HPV Dental Toolkit
An HPV Toolkit designed for dental offices that includes materials and resources that can be downloaded, reproduced, and distributed at no cost and is applicable to all states.
Breast Cancer Disparities Between Black and White Women in Wisconsin
This report explores the significant breast cancer disparities that persist between Black and White women in Wisconsin.
Cancer Survival Report: Wisconsin Cancer Relative Survival Ratios, 2011-2017
This newly updated survival report provides a detailed breakdown of cancer survival in our state.
Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer Continuing Medical Education Program
A free continuing medical education (CME) course, Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer, was developed through a partnership between the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and CDC. This course summarizes studies and recommendations to provide guidance for equitable prevention, early diagnosis, and special considerations of uterine cancer.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Continuing Medical Education Programs
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) provides a range of free webcasts and programs that offer continuing medical education (CME). Register for upcoming programs and conferences that offer CME credits. Or, access past programs and credits by participating in the virtual lectures.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Continuing Education Programs
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) provides a range of free webcasts and programs that offer continuing education (CE). Register for upcoming programs and conferences that offer CE credits. Or, access past programs and credits by participating in the virtual lectures.
Moving Forward: Policies and Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Excessive Alcohol Use in Wisconsin
This report is designed to help the user find how they can be impactful regarding Wisconsin’s alcohol environment in order to create a safe and healthier Wisconsin for all.
Up Close with Tobacco and American Indians
Fact sheet about the impacts of tobacco on American Indians, including the difference between traditional and commercial tobacco use.
Up Close with Tobacco and the LGBTQ+ Communities
Fact sheet about the impacts of tobacco on the LGBTQ communities.
Up Close with Tobacco and African Americans Fact Sheet
This two-page fact sheet details the unequal impacts and burden of tobacco on African Americans.
2020 Wisconsin Cancer Facts and Figures
View the 2020 Wisconsin Cancer Facts and Figures from the American Cancer Society and access key cancer statistics in Wisconsin.
Tobacco is Changing
Tobacco is Changing is the statewide DHS Campaign designed to educate parents on the changing landscape of tobacco products. This website shares resources you can use with parents when working on e-cigarette and vaping prevention.
Live Vape Free – WI Youth Vaping Cessation Service
Live Vape Free is a free texting service of the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line designed to help teens who want to quit vaping get free help. This website provides an overview of how to enroll in the program.
American Indian Quitline Flyer
This one-page flyer highlights the services available through the American Indian Quitline, a program tailored to providing culturally appropriate and specific interventions around commercial tobacco cessation.
The current status of survivorship care provision at the state level: a Wisconsin-based assessment
Smoking Cessation Resources in Hmong (Cov Ntawv Qhia Txog Kev Txiav Luam Yeeb)
This webpage from the UW-Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention is entirely in Hmong and lists their most frequently used tobacco cessation fact sheets and information all in Hmong.
Smoking Cessation Resources in Spanish (Ayuda Para Dejar de Fumar)
This webpage from the UW-Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention is entirely in Spanish and lists their most frequently used tobacco cessation fact sheets and information all in Spanish.
Gilda’s Club Referral Flyer