Improving care for cancer survivors

How can we improve survivorship care in Wisconsin? To answer this important question, the Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative is conducting a statewide environmental scan of survivorship care programs, with the help of an advisory panel of multi-disciplinary experts.

From June to October 2020, we recruited 40 sites from 12 health systems across the state to participate in a survivorship care survey. On Oct. 22, representatives from the 40 sites gathered virtually to talk about their work, their needs, and how the Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative can help.

The group identified the following goals:

  • Share a benchmark of survivorship care practices in Wisconsin.
  • Identify gaps and opportunities for improvement in survivorship care for Wisconsinites.
  • Connect those who work on survivorship with other programs in Wisconsin.
  • Compile and share resources.
  • Create a community of practice of survivorship programs in the state.
  • Support quality improvement projects and survivorship program building.

In lieu of traditional networking, participants shared five-minute talks about their survivorship work, and identified strengths and opportunities for improvement within their health systems.

Next steps

We have invited participants to continue partnering with us in a community of practice, to identify quality improvement opportunities, address gaps, and share resources.

We would like to thank the 40 sites for their phenomenal work and dedication. As this work continues, we will share what we learn in future issues of ENGAGE.