Health literacy tools for patients
Our How-To Sheets offer straightforward answers to questions about cancer risk, screenings, and insurance coverage, so that patients can make informed choices about their health. Use these tools to start important conversations with patients, families, and community members who may have health literacy differences. Many of these tools are available in both English and Spanish.
Created in partnership with Covering Wisconsin.
Cancer Prevention
How can I prevent cancer?
Which tests and services are free with health insurance?
Breast Cancer
Who needs to be tested?
Who should get tested early?
How can I lower my risk for breast cancer?
What if I don't have health insurance or I'm worried about costs?
Cervical Cancer
The HPV shot gives the best protection to boys and girls at age 11 or 12.
How can I prevent cervical cancer?
What type of test do I need and how often?
What if I don't have health insurance or I'm worried about costs?
Colorectal Cancer
Who needs to get tested for colorectal cancer? How do the tests work?
How can I prevent colorectal cancer?
What if I don't have health insurance or I'm worried about costs?
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is Wisconsin's #1 cause of cancer death.
How can I prevent lung cancer?
What if I'm not ready to quit smoking?