Tools you can use to raise awareness. Help spread the word.
Reducing the burden of cancer is our common goal. That’s why the Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative has partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Small Talks campaign. Small Talks aims to reduce underage drinking by encouraging parents and other trusted adults to have a series of short, casual conversations with their kids about alcohol use.
Together, we've created resources that help parents talk about cancer risk when talking with their kids about alcohol.
Use these resources to highlight and promote this new initiative in your communities to help raise awareness of the alcohol-cancer connection.
Media Talking Points for Partners
Your local media may wish to interview you about the Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative + Small Talks campaign. To prepare for local media interviews, review this helpful Q&A guide to organize your talking points and spread the word about the connection between alcohol and cancer.
Alcohol, Kids, and Cancer: Making the Connection Factsheet
Use this fact sheet in your community to help parents talk to their kids about the connection between drinking alcohol and increased cancer risk. This fact sheet offers tips and answers to commonly asked questions when talking about alcohol and cancer.