Racism as a Public Health Crisis: The Black Community and Lung Health


Answering the Burning Questions: What Parents, Students and Educators Need to Know About Vaping and Tobacco Use

Webinar/Web Conference

Join us for the next installment in our Campaign for the Culture conversation series. As we start a new school year, this live, virtual discussion will feature youth advocates and experts from a wide range of health and education organizations. Topics will include: what’s driving the current youth nicotine addiction crisis how tobacco use affects brain development,... Read more »

2021 Cancer & Mental Wellbeing Education Training Series: A Call to Action – Ending Cancer Inequities Using an Intersectional Framework – Session 1

Webinar/Web Conference

2021 Cancer & Mental Wellbeing Education Training Series: A Call to Action – Ending Cancer Inequities Using an Intersectional Framework The series is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Office of Smoking and Health and Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. The multi-part series in August and September will: Feature experts from the... Read more »

Racism as a Public Health Crisis: The Black Community and Lung Health

Webinar/Web Conference

Beginning in 2020, across the country, elected leaders have been passing resolutions declaring racism a public health crisis. According to the American Public Health Association, there have been 231 declarations at local, county, and state levels. Milwaukee County was the first place in the country to make a declaration, and we will hear from one... Read more »

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