The Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative is a statewide coalition of organizations working together to reduce the burden of cancer for everyone in Wisconsin. We connect our members with the tools, support, and knowledge they need to create healthier communities.

What we do

In Wisconsin today, 294,300 people are living with a cancer diagnosis. Cancer can take a tremendous toll on patients, families, and communities. Our mission is to lift this burden.

We do this by serving the organizations on the front lines of cancer care and prevention—health care systems, patient advocacy groups, public health departments, and other partners who work every day to create healthier communities.

As Wisconsin's statewide comprehensive cancer coalition, we offer our members access to data, resources, and expertise—as well as opportunities to collaborate across conventional boundaries to make the greatest impact on cancer health outcomes in our state.


A blueprint for action

Our work is guided by the Wisconsin Cancer Plan 2020-2030.

The Wisconsin Cancer Plan is a "living document" that combines best practices, reliable data, and concrete action steps for all Wisconsinites engaged in cancer work.

Using the Wisconsin Cancer Plan as our blueprint, we offer our members wide-ranging guidance on cancer risk reduction, screening, treatment, survivorship, and end of life.


What is the Burden of Cancer?

The burden of cancer is the physical, mental, social, and financial toll cancer takes on patients, survivors, caregivers, families, and communities.

Help us reduce this burden.

The Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative is funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and the University of Wisconsin. Our staff works out of the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, and our member organizations represent almost every county in Wisconsin.