Steering Committee Roundup

The WI Cancer Council Steering Committee met November 8, at Gilda’s Club of Madison.

Our focus: to further develop Action Plans for the WI Cancer Council, an effort to accelerate progress in certain areas of the WI CCC Plan 2015-2020 where WI Cancer Council members can play a lead role in addressing.

Steering Committee members participated in lively discussions to determine major tasks that could be accomplished to address the four Action Plan areas:

  1. Increase awareness of the connection between alcohol consumption and cancer risk
  2. Increase HPV vaccine completion
  3. Increase use of recommended cancer screenings
  4. Increase providers’ use of standards of care for cancer treatment and symptom management

WI CCC Program staff will be creating drafts of each Action Plan over the next few months, in time for the Action Plan webinar series in January.

Ideas discussed by the Steering Committee include public and provider awareness campaigns, education opportunities for targeted populations, and further data exploration. We look forward to sharing more during the Action Plan webinars next month.

In addition, the Steering Committee celebrated the tenure of outgoing Chair Dr. Patrick Conway, and selected Dr. Melinda Stolley to serve as 2018 Vice Chair.